I enjoy recently replaced my motherboard and PSU but the problem is that nought is happening when i turn it on purely the power LED light is coming on but contained by standby, but no noise from the admirer or nothing i hold double checked the cables to the motherboard but could it be beside the Hard Drive cable? Please Help:D
Motherboard and Power Supply Problem?
Try to isolate the problem one component at a time. Take the mainboard out of the case. Connect lone the processor, RAM, Video card, and power supply. Turn the system on and see how far you get.
Was your motherboard brand unmarked or did you get it used? When I have a similar situation, there be bad capacitors on the motherboard. If within are any leaking or even purely bulging then they are bleak. Hope it helps!
Power supply problems can mete out random errors resembling system freezeing which are difficult to identify.A power supply problem could also damage the motherboard and the CPU . You can try to fix some of the problems yourself by following the instructions at http://fixit.in/powersupply.html...
I can make available you a link that deal with mother board problems. Please look in the site at http://fixit.in/motherboard.html... You may l get some information requiredbu you.
Sounds similar to a faulty power supply. Unplug it from the motherboard and see if it comes on. Does it hold an on / off switch. Is it set for the right voltage and is the power button on the front hooked up to the board right?
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