Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my avg antivirus 7.1 have expired?

it get discontinued today. they told to upgrade to avg 7.5 antivirus. my os is win98 se. my ram is 64mb and where on earth should idownload it . in desktop or c drive . will it work on win 98 se.should i unisntall the prev publication avg 7.1 form control panel and then do it.

my avg antivirus 7.1 have expired?

crumb AVG it's junk, goto my site:


click on tools and download Avast

trust me you'll thank me the program is 1000 times better
AVG have expired 7.1. You can now seize Ver. 7.5, I've been using it since fresh years without any problems.
It probably will work, but it may slow your computer down. Before upgrading, you should go and get a new computer if at all possible. The new computer will provide more hit space. For downloading the virusware, I recomend calling an electionics store that sells closely of computers for advice. Downloading depends on your computers unque fingerprints.
AVG 7.1 have expired get the different version of AVG 7.5 .

Also uninstall AVG 7.1 formerly you put the new edition on your computer .

I usually download to my C-Drive where i preserve all my applications .

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