Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My disc Rom is possesed....?

My compact disc Rom will run in hit or miss spurts, by itself, even when no one is on the computer. Any design? virus, needs replacing, ?

My disc Rom is possesed....?

Id right to be heard virus do a scan.

Does it open and close by itself too?

ok cool consequently you need a unsullied one.

hope this helps.
If it's doing some disorganized "exercising". It needs to be replaced.
Maybe getting clogged up beside DUST.

Mostly on Desktop computers----

DUST collects inside computers, and can cause hardware wreckage,

overheating, faulty fan, faulty drives ----Is yours verbs??


^^^ Some pictures ^^^

BTW, a few days ago, a person looked inside his computer, and

cleaned it out using a brush. He next lost his Sound.

That way is not advise.
new one, worn out

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