Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My CD/DVD Rom Drive have stopped working...?

It no longer recognises blank medium, but still plays all regular DVD's and audio CD's. Any blank medium discs just dont show up. Any relieve with this is really appreciated.

My CD/DVD Rom Drive have stopped working...?

Try using a CD/DVD Drive cleaner. If that does not work, BUY a foreign DVD Burner. If you are using a laptop, then try cleaning the lens.

Good luck and Happy Computing!
demand a new one online it will cost yuou around $30 to install it is merely 4 screws and 2 plugs anyone can do it.
lol. possibly go to device superintendent and see if there is a check put pen to paper on device indicating a problem. if there is it may know how to repair..that's what i do when a device malfunctions its the first step contained by troubleshooting problem. or buy a new drive
Do you really have it in mind a Rom drive? It is read only... it won't construe blank media 'cos it's not a writer / rewriter.

If it be a writer or rewriter, it's probably gone wrong. They do and they are cheap to replace.
get a hot one

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