Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maxtor harddrive crashed - Can I extract notes?

I own a Maxtor harddrive that crashed over a year ago (it was going on for 15 months old when it crashed).

Is within a way to cheaply extract the notes? Can I simply switch out the harddrive disk with another harddrive disk?

Is nearby a cheap service that can extract the data?

I hold TONS of pictures, video, and music on that harddrive that I really need to gain access to.

Please relieve!

Maxtor harddrive crashed - Can I extract notes?

Drives can crash in different ways. If the problem is the prevalent motor, extraordinary methods and expense would be involved in rebuilding the part. Very few places could even try that and results are very cautious.

If the Magnetic signals are corrupted, as in a power damp squib during a recording flurry, then likelihood are better that most, possibly all, of the information could be recovered with special software even though the middle-of-the-road functions and pointers have be destroyed on the disk.

Check the yellow page for a good service that specializes surrounded by this and get a few quotes. For those who resembling to experiment, there are rescue programs downloadable from the internet, but few work very all right and they are often too complicated for the tyro.
From what I've seen, it costs a couple hundred for the retrieval service. There's no other course to get it sour that I've ever hear of.

You should always pay for up that stuff. You can buy a 2 backup harddrives for less than you're facing in a minute!
You can try to slave it into your pc. Set the jersey setting to slave connect the cables, run bios to ensure auto detect and try to see if you can access it that agency.

Copy and paste to you other drive...

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